William Duffy

Sugar Blues


Written sources Video sources Website sources
Where we get our information from We are not saying everything these people say is right, but they are clever people and their research is worth consideration . . .  - Written Sources
John Yudkin
Pure, White and Deadly - How sugar is killing us and what we can do to stop it. Bought up to date by childhood obesity expert Dr. Robert Lustig, MD, John Yudkin's classic expose on the hidden dangers of sugar is essential reading for anyone interested in their health, the health of their children and the health of modern society. Walter. C Willett, MD, Dr. PhD
Eat, drink and be healthy. The Harvard medical school guide to healthy eating
Based on information gleaned from studies that tracked thousands of people for over 20 years as well as other population studies and research, experts at Harvard now provide new guidelines on the most important foods for enhancing and prolonging life. Exposing the problems with popular diets such as the Zone and the Atkins diet, Dr. Willett gives an authoritative view on what we should eat.
Nicholas Perricone M.D et al
Sugar shock - How sweets and simple carbs can derail your life and how you can get back on track
This book uncovers extensive medical research that proves that people who eat highly refined carbs could be in sugar shock. Not only are obesity and diabetes symptoms but the books suggests that sugar is responsible for a host of maladies such as 'brain fog', fatigue, mood swings, heart disease and cancer. Kathleen DesMaisons PhD
Potatoes not prozac
Kathleen DesMaisons, PhD, explains how certain food chemicals in the brain regulate our moods. To maintain mental and physical health our serotonin, beta-endorphins and blood sugar levels need to be kept in balance. She recommends an inexpensive, all natural nutritional plan.
Kathleen DesMaisons PhD
The sugar addicts total recovery program
Building on the science of nutrition that she outlined in potatoes, not prozac, this is a dietary plan for living with sugar sensitivity. Gary Taubes
Why we get fat and what to do about it.
Gary Taubes reveals the bad nutritional science of the last century and explains that the good science has been ignored. He asks why are some people thin and others fat? What roles do exercise and genetics play in our weight? What foods should we eat and what foods should we avoid? Jillian Michaels
Master your metabolism - The 3 diet secrets to naturally balancing your hormones for a hot and healthy body!
Jillian Michaels, fitness and wellness coach, offers ideas about shopping lists, hormone trigger food charts, how to eat power nutrient foods on a budget, smart strategies for eating out, quick and easy recipes as well as mini programs for addressing PMS, andropause, metabolic syndrome, PCOS and menopause.
Gita Ganguly Mukherjee
ECAB Clinical Update - Insulin Resistance: An understanding
This paper is aimed at the clinical profession. It's aim is to explore the the experience and learning of some of the eminent medical professionals of India and south east Asia. India has the dubious distinction of being the diabetes capital of the World. The book helps to update clinicians to understand
1. the basics and details of insulin resistance
2. the relationship of cardiovascular disease and Insulin resistance.
3.the correlations of insulin resistance with polycystic ovary syndrome and its development
4.the role of insulin resistance in NAFLD (non alcoholic fatty liver disease) and metabolic syndrome Michael Pollan
Food Rules - An eater's manual
Michael Pollan lays out some straightforward, memorable and humorous rules for eating wisely, For example, 'If it comes through the window of your car, it's not food.' These rules sound like the rules spoken by older and wiser members of the family. This book is a must if you want to enjoy food but live healthily. 'Don't eat anything your grandmother wouldn't recognise as food.' Michael Pollan
The omnivore's dilema - the search for a perfect meal in a fast food world
Michael Pollan looks at the journey of the meal from land to the table tracing the origin of everything consumed and the implications for ourselves and our planet. Should we choose the organic apple or the conventional? If organic, local or imported? Wild fish or farmed? Low carb or low cal?
A food diary to help you monitor what you eat and do. Go to my food diary
Eat and Do, Cambridge
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