Written sources Video sources Website sources
Where we get our information from We are not saying everything these people say is right, but they are clever people and their research is worth consideration . . .  - Website Sources
Livestrong.com offers authoritative expert content in the diet, nutrition, fitness, wellness.
Go to livestrong.com
BBC News Health
Call for soft drink sugar tax in Budget (29 Jan 2013)
Go to BBC article
Dr. Oz Dr. Oz, a cardiothoracic surgeon in the United States covers topics on diet and weight loss, nutrition, cancer, heart health, sleep, stress, cold and flu, beauty, anti aging
Go to Dr. Oz's website
The Food Hospital
The food hospital explores the impact that different foods can have on the body and how many medical conditions might be improved or even cured by diet. The website has easy to understand information and animation about foods, casefiles and medical conditions. Go to The Food Hospital website.
Dr. Oz on You tube
In this link, Dr. Oz illustrates the causes of weight gain using animation and tissue samples. He discusses the importance of knowing your 5 - the lifesaving numbers you need to know about yourself to keep yourself healthy.
Go to Dr. Oz's You Tube Video BBC Science How much sugar is hiding in your food?
(22 March 2013)
This article focuses on the fact that sugar is hidden in many everyday foods and in quite large quantities. It highlights the fact that many diet foods/low fat foods and foods that are branded as healthy can have much more sugar than is good for us.
Go to BBC article The Food Doctor 10 Principles The Food Doctor takes you through the 10 simple principles that will help you eat better forever.
Go to the Food Doctor You Tube Channel
BBC Science Why is sugar so addictive?
(22 March 2013)
This article explains the why sugary products makes us feel happy and more efficient in our work but it also explains how these effects are only temporary and can lead to our bodies becoming addicted to food. It also refers to Yale University study that demonstrated that fructose, a type of sugar, did not suppress hunger.
Go to BBC article BBC Science What causes coronary heart disease
(19 April 2013)
CHD is one of the UK's biggest killers. It develops when blood supply to the muscles and tissues of the heart becomes obstructed by the build up of fatty materials inside the wall of the coronary arteries.
Go to BBC article
Science Daily Best known for schowcasing the top science news stories from the World's leading universitites and research organisations, Science Daily was set up in 1995 and is one of the internet's most popular science news websites.
Go to the Science Daily Website
A food diary to help you monitor what you eat and do. Go to my food diary
Eat and Do, Cambridge
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