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Food on the run
Chicken, cheese and sweetcorn wrap
Food for Fuel
We generally avoid foods that are made from corn, like high fructose corn syrup but eating sweetcorn as nature intended with all the skin and kernel offers some great nutritional benefits Ferulic Acid
Ferulic acid in an antioxidant plant compound found in sweetcorn. The March 2007 issue of the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition reports that feulic acid is found to have protective properties in fighting diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer as well as some neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's Sweetcorn also contains vitamins A, C, B
Shopping List

Shopping list for 1 1 Discovery wholemeal tortilla wrap
60g roast chicken slices
2 slices / 50g cheddar
40g drained unsweetened sweetcorn

1.Lay a tortilla wrap on an open piece of foil.
2. Pile in your ingredients, putting the sweetcorn near the cheese so they stay in place.
3. Wrap up the tortilla in the foil and store in the fridge until you are ready.
4. Heat a frying pan or griddle pan on medium heat. Put the whole thing (foil as well) onto the griddle pan and heat on both sides for a few minutes until you can hear the cheese melting.
Alternatives to heating -put the whole foil package in a sandwich maker or in the oven.
-take the tortilla out of the foil and microwave for a few minutes. (This will not give the tortilla a crispy finish though)

Calories 449 , protein 36.3g, Carbohydrates 24.7g Sugar 2.2g, Fat 22.8g Saturated Fat 12.7g, Fibre 3.3g Salt 1.73g

Prepare the tortilla wrap the night before and leave in the fridge. A food diary to help you monitor what you eat and do. Go to my food diary
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Eat and Do, Cambridge
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